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Student Badges

Encouraging Student Mindset

Students do not always get recognition for the non-academic skills that make them sucessful skills.  Skills that are not reinforced take longer to develop if they do at all.  I use student badges to help students see when what they are doing is worthwhile, even if they don't see the results yet.  I hand the badges out, which are printed in colour on glossy business cards, as soon as I see the student independently displaying the skill.  I put the student's name on the back and the date so there is no doubt as to who earned the badge.  Students have a spot where they collect all their badges.



I included a level on the badges to let students know that there was room to improve and exhibit those skills even more frequently.  There are 7 levels possible at this time to follow the 7 colours in the rainbow.  I decided to set up the badges with this many levels just in case I end up looping with students, so that they don't feel that their past achievments have been discounted.

Learning From Mistakes

This badge is awarded to any student who takes the opportunity to review their work, of their own accord, to improve their understanding.  This involves  analyzing their work for errors and learning what they didn't understand the first time so that the same errors do not occur in the future.


This badge is awarded to any student who continues to try even when they are struggling and find the work difficult.  This student continues to try until they are successful with the task at hand. This badge may also be awarded to a student who picks work that challenges their understanding and continues to work until the task is completed.

Math Curiosity

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates an intrinsic wonder at the world of mathematics.  This student always seeks the why behind the mathematics and/or seeks out new ways that mathematics is used in the world.  

Challenging Oneself

This badge is awarded to any student who chooses work that will increase their understanding.  This student seeks out opportunities to challenge themselves and will choose to produce quality work rather than completing work quickly.

Appropriate Tools

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates an understanding that the use of technology needs to match the task at hand.  When given project choice, this student will ensure that the tool they pick to complete the project will showcase their understanding in the best light.  This student will ensure that the tool chosen will complete the whole task, or can identify which tools are needed for which part of the task, to ensure the project pieces combine into a single project.

Constructive Questioning

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates an ability to pose questions that improve the learning of the class.  These questions may clarify an important point, question a non-example, or provide other students the opportunity to think about mathematics or its uses in another way.

Awe Inspiring

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates either a novel or integrated approach to mathematics.  This work shows that the student has gone above and beyond the level expected of the project, and has created not just a piece of work but something to be treasured.

Improving Learning Community

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates the ability to positively influence the learning of their class.  This could be through quietly encouraging others, showing enthusiam, peer mentoring, and class participation to name a few.  

Team Work

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates the ability to be an effective part of the team.  This student contributes to the group's ability to stay on task, includes everyone in the completion of the work, and gives thoughtful feedback that supports learning of their group mates.

Problem Solving

This badge is awarded to any student who demonstrates the ability to find appropriate solutions to problems either in the work at hand or in the classroom itself.  This student is willing to puzzle with possible solutions, think through the possible outcomes, and then choose the solution or method that best fits the situation.

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